Archaeological site of Kastelli 1
Archaeological site of Kastelli 2
Archaeological site of Kastelli 3
Archaeological site of Kastelli 4
Archaeological site of Kastelli 5
Archaeological site of Kastelli 6

During the excavations for the construction of the High school of Kastelli in 1979, the Ephorate of Antiquities in Heraklion was informed of the existence of vessels around the area There were all samples of pottery of the Old Minoan period, dating from the second phase of the Middle Minoan period (about 1900 BC) and well hidden in a crypt. The archaeological site lies in the low hill of Kastelli, underneath the current settlement and it involves parts of an enlarged Minoan settlement that lies in an area of 100 acres.


At Kastelli Pediada we meet traces of a settlement that flourished in the Minoan Era and was built since the Neolithic Period. The settlement had developed around a central two-story building of large dimensions, the architectural remains of which are visible today in the square of Saint George. The town was destroyed around 220 BC, perhaps after the raid of Knossos. At the same position, there are remains from the fortress of Kastelli and an old cistern.